My first maid

My daughter was only 1 year old when we started looking for extra help. I was managing find without a maid but who am I kidding? I am the least domesticated person in the world. I think I was screaming for help without even realising it. Luckily, my husband could see that his wife is not a typical trophy wife. I was struggling.

Being a new mom, my hormones wasn't all that normal, trying my best to juggle life and breastfeeding. Trying my best to not seem so demanding. Trying to prove to people that I can do it all. But, luckily, my husband could see I am not cut for it. I needed help.

Back then, I didn't know how to hire a maid. I have obviously not done it before. I asked around and my friend suggested that I go to this agency in PJ. Helen was pretty good in explaining to us the process. Her agency only supplies maids from the Philippines. I heard if you want to hire a good one, Philippine maids are the best. They speak English and they wear uniform.

Hiring one was really confusing but Helen was a great help. She recommended some and we interviewed some but somehow it wasn't right. We chose one candidate, interviewed her via Skype and offered her a job but at the last minute, she turned down our offer because she didn't want to look after kids. I took my demanding 1 year old daughter to the Skype interview and I guess she saw how "active" my daughter was. It was a blessing in disguise that she turned us down, although at the time, I felt sad that we were rejected. How can a maid, who is supposedly in need of a job, reject us? What is wrong with us? Do we look that bad on video?

A CV came, and somehow that CV had a red flag. She didn't complete her 2 year contract in Singapore. When you see that on a cv, you tend to question if this person is committed. Doesn't look like it because she obviously didn't last even 2 years. There was another thing on her CV that didn't look good (I can't remember what it was already). But despite all this, we interviewed her and she sounded very cheerful on video.

One of the questions my husband asked was "Can you sing?"
Of course everyone laughed but he needed to know if this maid will be able to sing for his daughter who loves singing! She said yes and he asked her to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and she did.


Ros stayed with us for almost 3 years. There were a lot of ups and downs we went through together while she was with us. Somehow I feel like I grew up as a mom, a wife most when she was with us.
She was heaven sent.

She was smart. I remembered showing her how to change my daughter's diapers in public toilet in a mall and one day she just grabs my daughter and showed me the best way to do it instead. Her way was way better!

She was the best cook. I thought my sambal was good but hers was way better. She baked the most delicious cakes and cupcakes too. (how I miss waking up from my evening naps to the smell of newly baked cupcakes!)

She can massage (yes, she would give me this amazing foot massage without me asking!)
She can do gardening
She can do painting
She can do arts & craft with my daughter

She can do it all. We moved home twice during the time she was with us and I didn't have to lift a finger. She did all this while she took care of my daughter.

The only problem with Rose was, she was too smart. She met a guy on the internet (we gave her a phone with wifi) and fell in Love. She decided to leave to get married. She left and that didn't happen, obviously. There goes my best maid .....

I couldn't accept it that she was leaving but she promised to train my next maid. She helped interview the next maid and with her help, the transition was pretty smooth. But no matter what, I couldn't stop comparing all my maids to Rose. She was the best. She was good. So good. I don't think anyone can top her.
